- Firmware development: Segger Embedded Studio, IAR Embedded Workbench
- FPGA development: Xilinx web pack, Altera Quartus, Lattice iceCube
- Schematic drafting: Altium Designer, OrCAD Capture
- PCB Layout: Altium Designer
- Signal analysis: SigView
- LT Spice
Lab Equipment
- Oscilloscopes: Agilent MSO9404A, MSO6034A. HP54540C
- Current probes: Agilent 1147B, Tektronix to 400A
- Logic analyzers: Agilent 1688AD, 1692AD, 16902B
- DVM: Agilent 34401A, HP 3457A
- Network analysis: HP 3563A, 3577B, 8751A, 8714ES
- Spectrum analysis: HP3389A, HP8568B, Agilent 8560E
- Power supplies: Sorensen, Xantrex, Agilent, SRS to 2.4KW and 2.5KV
- Electronic Loads: Chroma 61308A, Yokogawa PLZ153W
- Counters: HP 5370B, 5334B, 5343A
- Hipot: Rod-L 4957A
- And many other sources, meters, preamps, and analyzers
Assembly and Rework
- Soldering: Metcal MX-5200, MX-500
- Hot air: Hakko 851, Xytronic LF-852D11
- Preheat: Aoyue 853A
- Microscopes: Nikon SMZ800, SMZ1000, Meiji EMZ
The Twin-T, simulated by LT Spice. While interesting, the circuit shown here suffers from excessive component sensitivity.